VYPE: What positions do you play? Christopher Whaley: I play both singles and doubles in tennis. VYPE: What motivates you? CW: I am motivated by the support of...
The ultimate goal for student athletes is to make it to the state playoffs. Being part of a program that accomplishes this feat in one sport is an honor but getting there multiple times, in...
VYPE: What sports do you play? Emily Shelton: Golf. VYPE: What positions do you play? ES: First bag. VYPE: What motivates you? Emily Shelton: The want to get...
VYPE: What has it taken to be successful in your sports? Ronaldo Martinez: Pure hard work and dedication; without the failures throughout my career as a soccer player, I would...
Standing tall behind home plate as the catcher and representing the spirit of determination and perseverance in baseball is McAlester High School senior Brayden...