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McCurtain County Sports Zone

Q&A with Broken Bow’s Brady Hough – Presented by Pine Cellular

VYPE: When and how did you get started with golf?

Brady: I first started playing golf around 14 months ago. My inspiration for golf was my dad, who did golf back in high school.

VYPE: What is your favorite part of golf?

Brady: My favorite part of golf is the enjoyment of meeting other people and having fun with them, as well as cracking a few jokes.

VYPE: What does your golf team mean to you?

Brady:The golf team, to me, is like a family. We all can share jokes and  help each other improve in golf and other aspects of life.

VYPE: Who do you look up to or go to for advice when times get tough?

Brady: The person I look up to the most is my dad. He has been helping with sports and other aspects of my life since I was born. I couldn’t and wouldn’t have the drive for sports and school without his help.

VYPE: What has been your favorite golf memory so far?

Brady:  My favorite memory of golf was last year when a friend of mine played golf with me for the first time. He was not very good at the  time, and we all had a good laugh about it.

VYPE: What is your biggest golf accomplishment?

Brady: My biggest golf accomplishment so far has been shooting a 91 at Paris Country Club at our first tournament of the season. It had been my best score to date, and I was really excited about it.

VYPE: What has golf taught you that you use in your everyday life?

Brady What golf has taught me to use in my everyday life is that everything is a mental game. If you can’t get through your challenges mentally, you can not get through them physically.

VYPE:   How do you keep calm when you’re nervous during a tournament?

Brady: . I usually take my teammate Eli Pruette’s advice, “If you think you’re gonna play bad, you’ll play bad.”

VYPE: What are your goals for golf?

Brady: My goal for golf is to improve as much as I can. I would love to make lots of friends and meet lots of people.

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