As a seasoned senior at Ada High School, Reid Samson exemplifies a blend of academic diligence and athletic talent. Transitioning from a trifecta of...
On the hardwood courts of Ada High School, George Maddox stands as a dynamic force, commanding attention with his prowess in basketball and football...
VYPE: What motivates you? Cooper McCage: To play on TV one day. VYPE: Who are some of your biggest influences or role models? Why? CM: My biggest influence...
Savannah Senkel: The Heart of Latta Lady Panthers Savannah Senkel is a bright light in the halls of Latta High School, a shining example of leadership, athleticism and unshakeable faith. She embodies the attitude...
VYPE: What sports do you play? Cody Sanders: Football, powerlifting, and showing livestock. VYPE: What motivates you? CS: My motivation is to give my parents something to be proud of. VYPE: Which...
Madison Brinlee, a sophomore at Hartshorne High School, is deeply rooted in the world of agriculture, with FFA being an integral part of her life’s journey....
Outstanding Wilburton High School student Madison Littlejohn personifies commitment in the classroom and on the cheerleading mat. Her path is a reflection of her dedication to...
VYPE: Can you tell us a bit about your background in academics and sports? Salvador Rodriguez: I play left back in soccer and I’m a varsity captain. On...
Alyson Dusenberry epitomizes the spirit of excellence and dedication as a distinguished member of the McAlester High School Pom team. In her senior year, Alyson’s journey as...